Query Type

Kinase Inhibitor Prediction

This query provides a listing of human protein kinases that are predicted to be inhibited by a selected compound based on two different kinase inhibitor prediction algorithms developed by Kinexus and our academic collaborators in the Department of Computer Science at the University of British Columbia. For comparison, we also list the lowest reported experimentally determined IC50, Ki or Kd values for known kinase-compound pairs.


Step 1 - Compound Specification

Enter the first few characters for a compound name, CAS ID, PubChem ID or ChEMBL ID and then select the desired search term from the Drop Down List.



Step 2 - Data Output Specification

Use the pull-down menu below to specify the number of proteins listed in the output table.


Step 3 - Display Parameter Specification

Boxes that are marked are activated to display. Click on boxes to change status.


Step 4 - Report Generation

Click on boxes below to produce a custom table with results or to reset the parameters.